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Summer Solstice

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, during the Summer Solstice your Yang energy reaches its peak. It is important to harness the peak of this Yang energy, because as Summer shifts into Fall Yang energy will decline. This great abundance of Yang energy will translate throughout your body because during this season you are active and growing.


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Fighting the Flu Season with Acupuncture & Herbs ~

While the Flu is actually not a season, we have become programmed to think of it as the months of November through March. On average, the flu hospitalizes thousands every year, especially the young and elderly. There are also a number of deaths related to the flu, mostly due to people already having compromised immune systems.

The flu, also known

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Oriental Medicine Nutrition for Heart Health & Hypertension

Oriental Medicine (OM) Nutrition combines Ancient Wisdom with Modern Science. OM Nutrition is a holistic approach, which aims to balance all five flavors within most meals with one or two flavors being emphasized for therapeutic purposes. OM Nutrition for a Hypertension emphasizes Bitter flavors, Sour flavors and energetically-cooling foods.

OM theory states the Bitter flavor benefits the Heart in moderation

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7 Ways to Communicate Healthy Habits to Your Kids

As the school year kicks back into gear so should the healthy habits that you and your children have before practiced. Notice how I said “practiced,” because we all know during the summer-vacation months we tend to indulge a little. Maybe you have had one too many backyard barbecues, or three too many trips to the favorite

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6 Truths About the Not-so-sweet Side of Sugar

It take 3 feet of natural SUGAR CANE to produce one Tablespoon of refined SUGAR!!!  The NATURAL Sugar Cane contains FIBER and MINERALS….but not once it is refined & processed, and added to so many of your foods and drinks!  Refined SUGAR is the “Cocaine of Food.”

A study published by the JAMA Internal Medicine found that more than 70

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How to make a natural sunscreen at home

Although sun protection is extremely important to protect against harmful UV-Rays and to prevent Skin Cancer, next time you pick out your sunscreen, consider what you’re buying. Many common Sunscreens actually contain Chemicals that can be harmful to your body.

Chemicals to avoid in common sunscreens: Oxybenzone Retinol palmitate Methoxycinnamate Octinoxate Padimate O/PABA Nano or Micronized mineral particles

There are

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6 daily habits to lower your risk of cancer

The American Cancer Society has reported that half of all men and a third of all women in the United States will develop Cancer during their lifetimes. Although there are many forms of cancer, all forms of the disease begin with abnormal cells that grow out of control.

Unlike other illnesses that are eradicated by the body’s natural defense

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6 Ways to Treat Arthritis Naturally ~


For those with Arthritis, exercise, no matter how little you do, is one of the best Natural treatments. For those with severe Arthritis, even the smallest amount of walking can make a difference. Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise for those with Arthritis because it puts the least amount of impact on the joints. Strengthening Exercises

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Express Love & Appreciation this Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to show your loved ones how much you care. Below are some ideas to make this year’s holiday a memorable one.

Start the day off right

This year, Valentine’s Day is on Sunday!  Make a homemade breakfast for your loved one or close family and friends in your life. Everyone can appreciate waking up

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natural ways to improve women’s health

Egg health

Getting pregnant can be frustrating when it isn’t happening as easily as planned. There are many reasons you could be dealing with a difficult pregnancy including egg health. There are many factors that play into egg health including Blood Circulation, Stress and Hormonal balance. For improving blood and oxygen flow, try to get some sort of exercise whether

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