- Dr. Mindy Boxer3301 Ocean Park Blvd.
Suite 201
Santa Monica, CA 90405(310) 450-9711 -
Giuditta T.11 years agoI really love Mindy and as a doula I send her a lot of my pregnant clients and they are always very satisfied. I have sent her moms who had never had...Shelley Y.12 years agoI started seeing Dr. Mindy Boxer for acupuncture treatments in February. I was almost 39 and wanted to start a family. I had anticipated it taking a while...Eric C.12 years agoI tried a few different acupuncturist in Santa Monica and found that while the treatments worked for my upper back pain, the experience was much like going...
- Testimonials
“Acupuncture has really helped me over the last year restore a healthy balance to my life – both mentally and physically. I have a pretty hectic job and a heavy travel schedule. The addition of Acupuncture to my weekly schedule has helped significantly in keeping my body in routine, maintaining sleep patterns, overcoming stress & anxiety, keeping me from illness and helping build my physical strength.”
Corporate Executive“I started seeing Dr. Boxer when I removed my IUD and my husband and I started thinking about having a baby. I was having trouble getting my menstrual cycle regular but within a month and half of Dr. Boxer’s Acupuncture, Herbal and Vitamin treatment, I was able to regulate my period and ovulation cycle. One month later, I was pregnant!!
I continued to receive weekly Acupuncture treatments throughout my pregnancy and I have to say, it was
... Read more »“Before I came to Mindy, I suffered from extreme menstrual symptoms– such as vice-grip headaches, excessive bleeding, overly emotional, an overall fogginess, etc. After about four weeks under her care, I began to slowly see the once debilitating symptoms, begin to lessen. That was a year and a half ago. Since then, I have been able to apply acupuncture and herbal medicine to all areas of my life, including depression, anxiety, a concussion from a random accident, even the common... Read more »“Things are going very well with the pregnancy. I am now almost 28 weeks! I haven’t had any morning sickness, cravings or any complications. Truly a blessing! Thank you again for your part in my fertility journey. You were so helpful and wonderful.Oh yeah, it’s a boy!”
N.D., Producer
“I have been seeing Dr. Boxer for 10 months now and the experience has been great. She is very caring and knowledgeable. I always enjoy our weekly session as it is relaxing and soothing. After working with Dr. Boxer for 5 months utilizing Acupuncture & Herbs, my husband and I successfully conceived twins from our first IVF attempt! I strongly believe Dr. Boxer’s treatments played an important role in our success, and I am continuing Acupuncture throughout my
... Read more »“I have been a patient of Dr. Boxer on and off now for over 10 years. I have never left her office without feeling a total change in my symptoms. They can be sinus related, chronic back and neck problems, stress from work and the list goes on. I am also a Breast Cancer survivor and Dr. Boxer helped me tremendously with the side effects of the Chemo Therapy I had to endure. There are few problems she is unfamiliar with as
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Tag Archives: blood pressure
5 Powerful Health Effects Of Olive Oil
Derived from the fatty liquid of pressed OLIVES, Olive Oil is a versatile substance that’s loaded in Nutritional value. Just a single tablespoon has 10 grams of monosaturated fat, 1.4 grams ofpolysaturated fat, Vitamin E, and other other key nutrients. While most people consume it for its delicious flavor and smooth characteristics, Olive Oil has surprising health benefits when consumed on a regular
Posted in Diet, Wellness
Also tagged heart disease, olive oil, stress
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